School Uniforms
Our school uniforms are provided by Flynn & O”Hara.
Order Online at
Call FlynnO’Hara to have customer service representatives assist you with your order.
Toll Free
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday
10:00 AM to 2:00 PM Saturdays
24 hours a day / 7 days a week
Call to find a location nearest you.
Uniform Requirements:
Pre-K and Kindergarten: School gym uniform (t-shirt, sweat pants, sweat shirt, shorts)
Grades 1 -6
Boys: Navy pants w/ belt
White or blue knit shirt w/ embroidered emblem
Black dress shoes
Navy cardigan (optional)
Girls: Blue Plaid Jumper
Round Collar white or blue blouse
Gray, white or navy knee socks or tights
Black or navy dress shoes
Navy sweater (optional)
Grades 7 – 8
Boys: Gray pants w/belt
White or blue dress shirt w/ gray tie
Black dress shoes
Navy cardigan or vest (optional)
Girls: Blue Plaid skirt
Round collared white or blue blouse
Navy vest
Gray or white knee socks or tights
Black or navy shoes
Gym uniform with sneakers is to be worn on days of Physical Education classes only.
Hair must be neat and well groomed and of one natural color with no designs or lettering.
Jewelry is to be avoided with the exception of watches and religious items which must be worn
inside the shirt. A single post earring is permitted. Further details will be explained to the students in class.
Our school uniforms are provided by Flynn & O”Hara.
Order Online at
Call FlynnO’Hara to have customer service representatives assist you with your order.
Toll Free
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday
10:00 AM to 2:00 PM Saturdays
24 hours a day / 7 days a week
Call to find a location nearest you.
Uniform Requirements:
Pre-K and Kindergarten: School gym uniform (t-shirt, sweat pants, sweat shirt, shorts)
Grades 1 -6
Boys: Navy pants w/ belt
White or blue knit shirt w/ embroidered emblem
Black dress shoes
Navy cardigan (optional)
Girls: Blue Plaid Jumper
Round Collar white or blue blouse
Gray, white or navy knee socks or tights
Black or navy dress shoes
Navy sweater (optional)
Grades 7 – 8
Boys: Gray pants w/belt
White or blue dress shirt w/ gray tie
Black dress shoes
Navy cardigan or vest (optional)
Girls: Blue Plaid skirt
Round collared white or blue blouse
Navy vest
Gray or white knee socks or tights
Black or navy shoes
Gym uniform with sneakers is to be worn on days of Physical Education classes only.
Hair must be neat and well groomed and of one natural color with no designs or lettering.
Jewelry is to be avoided with the exception of watches and religious items which must be worn
inside the shirt. A single post earring is permitted. Further details will be explained to the students in class.