Mr. Gregory Pirraglia, Principal
School Office 718 380-1900
Mrs. Sonya Vidal - School Office – Business Manager - 718-380-1900 ext. 14
Mrs. Lorraine White - Administrative Assistant – Pupil Transportation - 718-380-1900 ext. 10
Mrs. Shalini Pharsi - SNT/Hot Lunch Coordinator - 718-380-1900 ext. 18
- Nurse
Ms. Vanessa Sposato - School Guidance Counselor - [email protected] - https://vsposato.weebly.com/
Homeroom Teachers
PreK-A - Ms. Kelly Gualotuna - [email protected]
Kindergarten - Ms. Carol Giunta - http://cgiunta.weebly.com/
Grade 1 - Ms. Vincenza Falcone
Grade 2 - Ms. Kristiana DeGennaro - https://kdegennaro.weebly.com/
Grade 3 - Ms. Sursattie Reynold - https://sreynold.weebly.com/
Grade 4 - Ms. Lauren Hernando - https://hernandol.weebly.com
Grade 5 - Mr. Miguel Hernandez -https://mhernandezsnt.weebly.com
Grade 6 - Mrs. Christina Loccisano - http://cloccisano.weebly.com/
Grade 7 - Mrs. Mariella Reiman - http://mreiman.weebly.com/
Grade 8 - Mrs. Joanne Buck - http://jobuck.weebly.com/
Special Subject Teachers
Art/Music - Ms. Katherine Byrnes
Physical Education - Mr. Matthew Mailey
Teacher Assistants
Mrs. Chayka
Mrs. Legitime
Mrs. Tulsi
Before School Coordinator – Mrs. Vidal
After School Coordinator – Mrs. Vidal
Eighth Grade Graduation Coordinator – Mrs. Buck
St. Nicholas of Tolentine Church - 718-969-3226
Rev. Jovito B. Carongay, Jr. Pastor
Rev. Noel A. Daduya Parochial Vicar
Rev. Thomas P. Joseph, CMI Parochial Vicar
Deacon Thomas Jorge Permanent Deacon
Ms. Guadalupe Rojas Parish Secretary
Mrs. Gloria Scarola Bookkeeper
Mr. Steven Acosta Maintenance Manager
Mr. José L. Villanueva Music Director
Ms. Christina Rosado Youth Minister
Religious Education
Sister Alice, Director of Faith Formation – 718 591-6536
Mr. Gregory Pirraglia, Principal
School Office 718 380-1900
Mrs. Sonya Vidal - School Office – Business Manager - 718-380-1900 ext. 14
Mrs. Lorraine White - Administrative Assistant – Pupil Transportation - 718-380-1900 ext. 10
Mrs. Shalini Pharsi - SNT/Hot Lunch Coordinator - 718-380-1900 ext. 18
- Nurse
Ms. Vanessa Sposato - School Guidance Counselor - [email protected] - https://vsposato.weebly.com/
Homeroom Teachers
PreK-A - Ms. Kelly Gualotuna - [email protected]
Kindergarten - Ms. Carol Giunta - http://cgiunta.weebly.com/
Grade 1 - Ms. Vincenza Falcone
Grade 2 - Ms. Kristiana DeGennaro - https://kdegennaro.weebly.com/
Grade 3 - Ms. Sursattie Reynold - https://sreynold.weebly.com/
Grade 4 - Ms. Lauren Hernando - https://hernandol.weebly.com
Grade 5 - Mr. Miguel Hernandez -https://mhernandezsnt.weebly.com
Grade 6 - Mrs. Christina Loccisano - http://cloccisano.weebly.com/
Grade 7 - Mrs. Mariella Reiman - http://mreiman.weebly.com/
Grade 8 - Mrs. Joanne Buck - http://jobuck.weebly.com/
Special Subject Teachers
Art/Music - Ms. Katherine Byrnes
Physical Education - Mr. Matthew Mailey
Teacher Assistants
Mrs. Chayka
Mrs. Legitime
Mrs. Tulsi
Before School Coordinator – Mrs. Vidal
After School Coordinator – Mrs. Vidal
Eighth Grade Graduation Coordinator – Mrs. Buck
St. Nicholas of Tolentine Church - 718-969-3226
Rev. Jovito B. Carongay, Jr. Pastor
Rev. Noel A. Daduya Parochial Vicar
Rev. Thomas P. Joseph, CMI Parochial Vicar
Deacon Thomas Jorge Permanent Deacon
Ms. Guadalupe Rojas Parish Secretary
Mrs. Gloria Scarola Bookkeeper
Mr. Steven Acosta Maintenance Manager
Mr. José L. Villanueva Music Director
Ms. Christina Rosado Youth Minister
Religious Education
Sister Alice, Director of Faith Formation – 718 591-6536